Saturday, July 11, 2009

Good week

It was a great week in terms of my weight loss journey. On Sunday, I started a new diet which I anticipate will turn into a new lifestyle.

It's been nearly a week and I'm down in my weight! It was so nice stepping on the scale and seeing either weight loss or a steady weight.

I don't want to post my weight until Monday when I do my usual weekly update. Remember that I'm no longer taking whatever I weight on Monday and using that as my weight. I'm averaging my daily weight throughout the week and using that average as my final weight.

To help better track my daily weight, I created an Excel spreadsheet. I'll print out my copy and keep it in the bathroom.

But, I've made the spreadsheet available for you if you want it too! Click here to access it, then from there you can save it to your PC. If you enter your weight into the spreadsheet, it'll calculate your average weight loss each week (after your Sunday weight in).

Sticking with the plan this week wasn't difficult at all. Honestly, it wasn't.

Anything I was craving was eaten during my 60 minute dinner (along with the salad and veggies).

Just to give you an idea of what I ate during my breakfast and lunches during the week, here's what I did:

Breakfast: McDonalds sausage egg mcmuffin (minus the mcmuffin), sausage egg and cheese biscuit (minus the biscuit), Hardees low carb breakfast bowl (I had McD's 4x during the week)

Lunches: Hardees little thickburger with cheeseburger (minus the bun) with tomatoes and mayo plus a salad, Taco Bell taco salad (didn't eat the shell) plus a bean burrito (without the tortilla), Imo's side salad (my absolute favorite salad, YUM!), Red Robin mushroom'n'swiss cheeseburger (without the bun) plus a side salad with Ranch dressing, and Texas RoadHouse pulled pork with green beans and a side salad with french dressing
Dinners were crazy! Here's what I had:

Sunday: Salad with fresh veggies (lettuce, mushrooms, grape tomatoes, cucumber, sunflower seeds, bacos, french dressing and cheese), Fried chicken, 1 Cup steamed spinach, ice cream cookie sandwich
Chevy's Mexican restaurant- side salad with apple catalina dressing, soft beef taco with sour cream, and 1 Cup of corn tomatilla (I needed to have more veggies, but we were out and I didn't bring any with me). I drank iced tea that I sweetened myself with the pink stuff. We stopped and got ice cream cones on the way home (still within the 60 mins)
Tuesday: Bowling night so I stopped by Imo's on the way to bowling and picked up a side salad (with their house dressing), I brought veggies with me and ate those (mushrooms and cucumber). Then at the alley I got a pretzel with cheese and a beer. No dessert that night b/c I didn't leave the alley until almost 10pm. I normally would have stopped for a dollar cone on the way home, but I was passed my 60 mins.
Wednesday: Work dinner- salad with ranch dressing, salmon and green beans, plus two Suntini martinis (YUM). No dessert.
Thursday: Salad, Pot roast with corn bread muffins, fresh veggies (cucumber and califlower), ice cream sandwich for dessert.

Friday: Salad, califlower, Little Caesar's pizza (one piece of pepperoni) plus 3 breadsticks and 1/2 Dr. Pepper (I couldn't finish the soda, it was too sweet!). For dessert I had 1/2 roll of Thin Mints (girl scout cookies) and a glass of skim milk (I can only have milk during my 60 mins meal which is probably the most difficult thing for me because I LOVE MILK and used to drink 3-4 glasses/day).
See how eating healthy during the day can pay off in the evening? As long as I eat during the 60 minutes, I can eat whatever I want so long as I start with a salad and eat veggies.

I don't plan on writing down everything I eat each day, but I wanted to give you an idea of how I'm doing this.

A few challenges thus far:

  • $$- I can't keep eating out for breakfast. It's about $4 to get the breakfast sandwich and the bottle of water. I need to plan ahead and hardboil some eggs and cook some bacon so I can just take that with me in the morning.
  • Lunch with Mr. O. I don't mind spending the usual $6 on lunch and getting whatever I used to get, but taking away the bread, but Mr. O doesn't like spending the $6 and then not eating everything. We eat lunch together almost every day (we work in the same building), so it'll be a challenge to find places to eat that aren't expensive but that also cater to a low/no carb meal. I'm also a creater of habit, so I could easily eat the same lunch 2-3 times/week, but Mr. O can't do this. Maybe he and I will need to plan a few days where we don't eat lunch together!!
  • No drinking milk at night. Like I said earlier, I'm used to drinking several glasses of milk/day, but milk is something that should only be consumed during the 60 min reward meal. It hasn't been terrible, but out of habit, I tend to grab a glass before I head to bed, so breaking that routine has been a little difficult.
Surprisingly, I'm NOT hungry throughout the day. I worried that I would want to snack at work, but I don't keep any snacks there, so I can't cheat plus I'm not hungry throughout the day.

I am a little disappointed that I haven't had more energy. According to the book, people that live this lifestyle almost always get a big energy boost after a few days on the diet. The reduced carbs has positive anti-inflammatory affects on the body and that usually leads to more energy.

I haven't been any more tired, I was just hoping for more energy when I get home after work.

I still haven't been good at taking my Vitamin D! DANG IT! When I don't take it consistently, I feel so down. Sarah left a comment on a previous post suggesting that I take the pills when I take my watch off at night. I might need to do that; although, I usually don't wait until bedtime to take off my watch. I'm pretty inconsistent when it comes to taking it off.

Alright, this post is long enough! Just wanted to share what I've learned this week with you!

I can't wait to weigh this weekend and then post the weight on Monday!!


  1. This has been so interesting! If this becomes a lifestyle for you...I think I would make large batches of food on the weekends to use for your lunches. Also, do you know about making eggs in a cup in the microwave? I make my eggs this way and it is so fast and easy! And what about Canadian Bacon. I love it and it's practically the perfect food.

    Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what Monday brings...and thanks for the spreadsheet! I love spreadsheets!

  2. I hope you show a good loss Monday. I'm not sure I understand the spread sheet part (I mean, why you're doing it,) but I'll read again.

    And the energy boost doesn't make sense in my head because our bodies need carbs to create, I eat carbs before working out and protein after..

    But I'm no genius. This might be too complicated for me, but all the best to you! If it works for you I hope you'll share more of your experiences with us!

  3. P.S. I didn't know Little Caesar's still existed! I ate that when I lived in the south/midwest in high school. I used to love it because it was cheap and the bread sticks were great! You just sent me on a trip down memory lane. :)

  4. @Connie- eggs in the microwave?! What?! I haven't heard of that, but will look into it now. I plan on getting a mini-fridge to put in my office at work and then boiling up a dozen eggs and keeping them at work. I def need to plan breakfast and lunches better.

    @Kenz- the book I read, The Carboyhydrate Addcit's diet, they recommend weighing yourself every day, but not using your daily weight as a guide to determine if you're losing weight or not. They say that your daily weight can be affected too drastically by other things (the time of month, if you ate a salty meal and are retaining more water, etc), so they recommend averaging your weight throughout the week and then using that averaged weight (after 7 days of weighing) as a barometer to determine if you're losing weight.

    I'll explain it more in my next post when I reveal my weight.

    And, I LOVe little caesers! They have $5 pizza and $3 breadsticks, so about once/month, Mr O and I hit them for up a meal!
