Friday, June 12, 2009

Good start

Initially, I was nervous to return from vacation because life gets in the way and tends to derail us from our goals.

I've done OK. I've done a fairly good of keeping my portions smaller. I've eaten pretty well and reduced my soda intake.

Although I haven't worked out this week, tomorrow I'm participating in a charity walk and then helping with a community event in the afternoon, so I'll be up and around all day. I'll wear my pedometer so I can track my physical activity.

I cheated and weighed myself and things look good! I've decided to weight on Mondays. I'm hoping that'll keep me eating well throughout the weekend :)

Get ready for my first WEIGH IN in a few days!

PS. Thanks to people who emailed me with encouraging words about this blog! It means a lot to me. I'm keeping the emails stashed away because I just know I'll need to re-read them in the future when I need some motivation!

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