Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!

Tomorrow is the first official weigh-in. I weighed a few days ago and it looked good; then I weighed again last night and well, not so good.

Guess we'll see how tomorrow goes!

The last few days have been a mix of good and bad. I've contained my portion sizes and have eaten a good amount of fruit and veggies.

There has, however, been a VERY LARGE bag of peanut M&M's laying around so a couple of times a day I grab a handful or two (or three). I also drank a soda yesterday.

I'm really trying not to be hard on myself. Deprivation usually leads to binging, so having something here and there can't kill me.

Unfortunately I haven't really done many of my TWO daily goals. RE: the pills, I just plain forgot. To remedy that this week, I'm going to lay them out for the entire week. I have pill bags so I'll put the pills in those tonight and ask Mr O to remind me to take them during lunch. I hesitate to take them at night because I don't want to run the risk of them keeping me up at night.

I did a charity walk on Saturday, so that counts for one work out session, right? I wore a pedometer and got in 3,000 steps before 11am! I'll wear the pedometer tomorrow to see how many steps I get in during the day. I don't have a particular goal, I'm just curious as to how much I walk. Other than that, I haven't worked out. Boooooo.

I guess getting back into the real world after vacation was more difficult than I originally thought.

I've made some good food choices, too, but over time, I need to make those more often than I give into the bad ones.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a good day tomorrow!


  1. I can't remember to take my pills either! I just set an alarm on my phone to remind me.

    Can't wait to hear how your weight in went!

  2. I guess I missed the pill thing. What are we talking about?

  3. Kenz- I have two goals right now:

    1. Take my daily vitamins/supplements

    * Vitamin D 10,000 IU
    * Iodine 12.5mg (down from 50 mg during my initial replenishment)
    * Magnesium 250 mg

    2. Eight hours of restful sleep

    I didn't do well with taking my pills, so I didn't feel my best this week.

    The D really helps me (it's actually a hormone that most people are deficient in, especially heavier people). Google it!
